Baby Gifts are a Piece of Cake for Dallas-area Mom

Released on = June 17, 2007, 7:45 pm

Press Release Author = Dana Williams

Industry = Consumer Services

Press Release Summary = Buyer beware. Cakes purchased from Dana\'s Gift Basket
Express should NOT be eaten.

And with good reason; you see, they\'re made of diapers!

Press Release Body = Diaper cakes, as they are called, are actually a popular, yet,
unique baby shower gift given to new moms. By definition, a diaper cake is a gift
basket made up of diapers, designed to resemble a cake, and adorned with baby items,
such as baby blankets, bibs, bottles, and other baby care items.

\"The first time I saw a diaper cake, I thought they ware the cutest thing\", says
Dana Williams, owner of Dana\'s Gift Basket Express, an online baby gift shop based
in Dallas, Texas. Although she didn\'t invent the diaper cake, Williams has been a
pioneer in the diaper cake industry. Since the opening of
in 2002, Williams has been flooded with orders of diaper cakes from clients
nationwide and even some in Canada.

One client notes \"I am really impressed with your concept\". Another says, \"I just
got the cake. I love it. It\'s absolutely gorgeous\".

With summer being one of the busiest times for baby showers, Williams is sure to be
ready. For more information on diaper cakes from Dana\'s Gift Basket Express, contact
Dana at 214-306-9457 or visit .

Web Site =

Contact Details = Dana Williams
P O Box 815162 Dallas, TX 75381

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